
I am Jo Ann Padro, Founder of Guide and Light

The path to your higher self begins within...

I am pleased and honored to have an opportunity in my life to find a place where I can help others. Help others in bringing awareness to self, bring self through meditations, help to discover your disempowering beliefs in order to pave the life that we are meant to live and that is living in our true nature.

Of course I started my life leaving home at the age of 18 years of age. I went to a very prestigious College in Texas to study the General Education requirements to study construction engineering.  I worked to pay for my education in full but ran out of money, so I decided to join the United States Navy for five years as a Seabee with the job title as an Engineering Aide.

I finished a degree in Construction Management and started to build multi-family units and hotels for about 23 years.  I have a huge background in the field of engineering which I love. I really truly love to build constructively. But…

In March of 2016, everything changed

That month, that year, is when my Spiritual Awakening took place. I will never forget such a profound and life changing moment in my life. My inner healing that I never knew could take place began. My life in living a 3D and spiritual life began. The Journey of Spiritual Awakening has led me to be the hypnotherapist consultant and life coach that I am.   As an empath, I was shown in such a crazy way how the power of energy could be used for healing. My Spiritual Awakening has helped me understand many fundamentals of life here on Earth. I’ve gained such a high passion for my new life and I would love to bring this awareness to many.  I am now ready to begin what I feel I am meant to do.

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